Sunday, August 15, 2010

Love as it is

Love is like a flower..
that blooms on the heart of a lover.

Love is like a cube..
has sides which is crude as it is.

Love is like a needle..
it knits and fixes the riddle.

Love is dependent..
strives on another to become prudent..

Love was sad as a stream..
flowing endlessly, gleaming with silence..

Love was as happy as a tree..
sways on every move and is free..

Love cannot be touched by anger..
It is by mind that it is tempered..

Love is not envious..
It just looks someone that is always nervous..

Love is not compassed to wither..
It is meant to live and to prosper..

Love is not drenched in demise..
it promises life and listens when someone cries..

Love is when you misses the other..
It seems that you cannot live without the other..

Love is when you are being vigilant..
always looking forward and not arrogant..

Love is something you cant forget..
It is aching, throbbing when your'e at fret..

Love is all that seems it is..
you cannot ask for more, just as it is...

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