Say a prayer,for such weaknesses are in need of guidance
dependent on everything..
easily trapped in such a hindrance..
Say a prayer,for us, is the manifestation of the Divine..
such feeble faith lines upon our lives
breeders of doubt within our hearts..
Say a prayer,for the minute spark to become an inextinguishable flame..
keeping the sacred words alive..
despite all blasphemies and lies..
Say a prayer,learn to accept the defeat of Sin,
believe and stand firm on faith..
for Wisdom, like a worried shepherd follows through..
Say a prayer,for God is merciful and kind.
even though our hearts are defiled..
forgiveness, salvation like a token is always at our hands..
Say a prayer,learn to channel all the faith in Him..
for such truthful, willful actions..
prayers are heard aloud, like trumpets at the cloisters of eternity.
Say a prayer,ask for guidance and comfort to sustain you..
for life, is really a treacherous walk ,
an endless surge of solitude and work.
Say a prayer,for the gates are always opened for the faithful.
though the hands of Death carries dread and screaming silence
a prayer spoken.. can brought sweet, blissful lullabies..
a faithful soul cherishes the most.
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