Sunday, May 22, 2011


Walking barefooted at streets under the scorching sun.
with malaise at grip, lying at their burdened feet..
eyes borrowed from a fly, looking black and tanned..
an imminent journey at Limbo, as Death leaves to greet..

such pathetic images and silent cries..
forgotten by their name, be it gentle or proud..
mirrors from this fecund nature, a foundation of sinister ties..
unbreakable, inevitable.. the words suited for such crowd..

Who am I to blame?.. for such a plague in trail..
corrupted, eaten from within, even of dignity and will..
bereft of mind and rights.. mislaid to fail..
such swollen endeavors, poised to cripple and kill..

the balance signals disturbance.. gluttony is the word..
such horrible beasts.. lying, lathered in excrement..
the wheels are spinning, ignorant to hear the preach of the word..
bound for endless torment.. they, whose voice are incoherent.

for we are entrailed to a life in seasons of sin..
ignite the spark, hide those tears.. hear the reasons of the kin.

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