Friday, October 22, 2010


Distress, hunches on my back in every day that crosses
wandering, with eyes on nystagmus in this forest
broken, striving in this confusion..
with no one to talk to, no one to hold on..
given the loads just to give it back..
granted the wisdom to pass it in simple, humble acts..

look at the eyes of time, for it does not tolerate delay
listen to it's intentions, it's sullen plans..
and wait for it to speak and spread its side:

he last left you here, with all in your pack..
with all your thinking to save you..
and with all your faith to train you..

never let your exhaustion bring you at the ground..
never become what they have pursued..
neither tell them of any vices and sights..

walk and witness what has been neglected..
talk on things that has never clasped on books..
and listen to what has never spoken on tongues..

stare at the heart of God with all your understanding..
by your faith, can listen in his good and eternal intentions..
you may find tranquility and silence from strife..
and can compete with your minds stubborness with might..

For everything happens yet with reasons,
promises, expectations.. only faith can make them real..
forget what has happened and pray.. with eyes closed and full intention..
unite with the unexplainable yet true..
wake up in this dream... for He can make it real..
climb unto Him.. in his circles of malignant sanity..
believe in Him for He is Real, Eternal, and Forgiving....
For He will never let you walk alone again..
in this painful, yet confusing medium..

With all that has witnessed and known shall come to realization...
In all that was studied and observed in light years to fulfill..
shall be illuminated in a simple sway...
just believe and be firm.. be saved from Limbo
read the world, digest it with all its nourishment..
and never forget to look up.. on HIM
whose into those white, graceful circles..

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