Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Even behind the Tears

Sitting here in the chair of solitude,
thinking how to pay for your gratitude..
laying my palms unto my chin..
allowing my soul to break in..

Im hearing voices, meddling choices..
alone in my cloister.. no ones under..
winding views, crawling thoughts..
reflecting manners i always caught..

soils of labor, fruit of blood..
how wonderful.. the work of God..
carved myseries, painted history..
escaped in the swishing gush of human liberty..

narrowed passages, locked entrances..
claiming wisdom and greater hindrances..
key to learning, stones of yearning..
hold it still.. never let go of it..

surge of failures, scars of defeat..
wondering why they always creep?
slap of anger, reins of temper..
dont hide it.. let if flow over..

never withered love, always not proud..
claim it! its yours and for the crowd..
grace be with you always.. leave but do not go breathless..
It is solely you.. who must go boundless..

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