Friday, November 26, 2010

The Church

Standing at the cold floors of the church..
eyes are blue, echoes follow through
chains crawling, weeping and yearning...

staring at the lamented windows of the church..
whispering prayers, kneeling with iron braces
hoping to be heared through.. climbing up a way or two..

struggling in the dark cloister of the church..
blindfolds gripped your eyes, veils suffocated your mind.
walking to the serpent's pit.. seizure comes to greet..

listening at the devil on the church..
worms spreading everywhere, finding its victim, here and there
spoken venoms, false visions, drowning in severe confusion..

kneeling at the devil on the church..
sleeping with whores, torturing each with thorns..
spits of blood, insults in rise..
death comes in disguise.. carried in the book of lies..

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