Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Eyes from Above

As the wheel of life starts to crawl ahead
look at the world, with its own nature and wake
profound in wisdom, drowning in majestic beauty..
such beautiful sights, such enormous lights..

walk around and see for yourself..
at the stairs of time, love overflows in gale..
search a place to be, live the life you will
sit here and stare.. beauty is found everywhere..

as we go on and life keeps on changing
theres no way back, lets stop pretending..
hardwork was simplified, labor was shortened
sweat and blood, still they flow in frenzy..

beauty relies not onto the eyes alone,
it searches deeper, reason and heights are of real value..
what was good to see here is different from above..
and so it is, Life was really not enough..

look at the world in a higher place..
be astound by the change, how man has made..
still different, still lacks the essence..
It is God alone, who knows the value of its presence

Friday, December 10, 2010


Seeing the cities only by sparks at night
wandering in this world, looking, gleaming anything in sight
as you stepped up in the chamber of this world's own wake
you may think how unfruitful, and tainted man's own path has made?

life as you see it, is what you take from it..
break away, walk away.. leaving everything that comes and pay..
each path that have been made unclean, shattered by natures disdainful way
are the very own path to the veil, we are unfolding in ruins trail..

round as a sphere, blue as our world..
those minds keeping in tyranny untold..
sweeping in power, stepping up with temper
not knowing.. they are digging their own shelters..

red as a rose, pure as a blood
this passion, every soul is keeping at heart..
Will given by the mover, abused by sacrastic beholders..
used relentlessly, like veins entangled in hypocrisy.

words you may see, sights you may hear..
unnoticed, this essence in life you must bear..
looking at the ears of the deaf, listening to the eyes of the blind..
confusion crawls up in the mind of unlucky ones..

creative as your hands, understanding as the mind you have..
your potential, granted with wisdom.. should be used in line..
you are never alone in this world, never abandoned..
it is just a matter of looking, listening at the sparks at night..

Saturday, December 4, 2010


In this journey, We all lack the courage to begin
at some point we lost our own self in the everyday struggles of life
waiting, believing on faith to manifest itself from within
waking us at the brink of solace and limbo in a sheet..

I am afraid, I surely did..
for what I am made will sprung out the fruits of incompetence
I am alone, its been for years..
confined in this chamber of solace in disgrace
I am unsure, its always been..
for my future is like a lighted candle in the face of a gale..
I am weak, and it lives in the depths of my heart since I was born
trapped in this darkness.. blinded by its curtain of uncertainty..

I am willing to take the risks at the right time, in the right place
to show others what the Son has granted me this much..
I am blessed, faithfully walking on His footprints in the shore..
carefully looking at the traces of life.. the withered leaves as they fall..

My weakness entagles me, but it casts no pain within..
sin, incompetence, heartaches and solitude
they embrace me yet I still can reach for the light..
at the end of winter there will always be the sun..
oh I can't wait for it to come..
and look at the summer of my life..

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Church

Standing at the cold floors of the church..
eyes are blue, echoes follow through
chains crawling, weeping and yearning...

staring at the lamented windows of the church..
whispering prayers, kneeling with iron braces
hoping to be heared through.. climbing up a way or two..

struggling in the dark cloister of the church..
blindfolds gripped your eyes, veils suffocated your mind.
walking to the serpent's pit.. seizure comes to greet..

listening at the devil on the church..
worms spreading everywhere, finding its victim, here and there
spoken venoms, false visions, drowning in severe confusion..

kneeling at the devil on the church..
sleeping with whores, torturing each with thorns..
spits of blood, insults in rise..
death comes in disguise.. carried in the book of lies..

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Even behind the Tears

Sitting here in the chair of solitude,
thinking how to pay for your gratitude..
laying my palms unto my chin..
allowing my soul to break in..

Im hearing voices, meddling choices..
alone in my cloister.. no ones under..
winding views, crawling thoughts..
reflecting manners i always caught..

soils of labor, fruit of blood..
how wonderful.. the work of God..
carved myseries, painted history..
escaped in the swishing gush of human liberty..

narrowed passages, locked entrances..
claiming wisdom and greater hindrances..
key to learning, stones of yearning..
hold it still.. never let go of it..

surge of failures, scars of defeat..
wondering why they always creep?
slap of anger, reins of temper..
dont hide it.. let if flow over..

never withered love, always not proud..
claim it! its yours and for the crowd..
grace be with you always.. leave but do not go breathless..
It is solely you.. who must go boundless..

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Footprints In Solitude

Remembering the days when were together..
dreaming, hoping for the coming of time in favor
can't help but to slack and drown the pain in my temper..
your memory.. that haunts and touches me at slumber..

pure as a blood and red as a rose..
this feeling I have for you is a prose..
dreaming of touching and feeling you again..
enveloping me with shelter and gladness in fame..

how I miss you so bad as my heart goes in demise..
thus my mind.. pamphering me with reasonable cries
my hands are chapped and lips are torned..
longing for your presence.. they surely told..
I cannot live without and with the presence of this solitude..
sometimes living may not be enough to pay for the gratitude..
I cannot long for your presence without passion..
just like a mother sings her son a sweet induction..

I remember when the roses had touched unto my palms..
it brought me my future, and sweet drama in a couch..
entangling features and celestial presence..
oh.. Im longing for it.. in winter's essence..

In my walking I have caught a light in my sight..
Illuminating, blinding like heavens blight..
splitted in two, crosses me in two
then embraced me.. I knew it was you..

The spark in your eyes, reminds me of aurora..
that unforgettable wonder profound in glorious aura
my senses fail, my destiny entrail..
a life with you, a desire that pushes me not to fail..

I love the feeling with you wrapping me like a present..
It brings me the thought of life's real essence..
I miss being with you as a body losts its soul..
and as the mind has lost its control..

with you I cannot ask for more..
this is enough.. to pay the gratitude or more..

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tainted Light

Staring at the mirror for hours or more..
reflecting what seems entwined in my mind had caught
the mystery, a story held by history
still unfavored, lying in the sea of tranquility..

Love, as the source of flawless and unconditional sacrifice
has been scarred by the tremolo of unbearable penitence..
pushing the stones of pride to the well of humility..
while singing in chorus.. the song of hypocrisy..

walks of pleasure forming circles..
the great principle.. burned into ashes..
codes of untold life and faithful grace..
stained, stepped upon by the soles of jealousy and race..

think in ways your crown wakes..
never!.. in ways their mouth sways..
step upon the cornice of pain and narrowness..
therefore you may find humility and kindness..

wipe away the tears of yesterday..
be brave, to face what makes the other days..
pull out your arms in the rod of seclusion
let go of it, never attempt to bind yourself into it..

live as if you are striving in a dark, stagnant cave..
hold the light onto your back for not to brag in fame..
let it shine and shed upon to those who follow you..
a spark of knowledge, a bewildered passion your making through

write onto your book with coherent and cursive letters..
watch your back.. it is them who tries to smother it with critters..
walk in faith with your footprints on the shore with inspiration..
for it is HE who will judge you without hesitation..

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Iacet Velum (Veil of Lies)

Lend me your eyes as witness..
see those in the pool of distress..
deceived, circling in the hands of those in white
how pathetic, ignorance has strummed their minds.

Let your feet walk as your mind talk..
these hymn, riddled and chanting as it seem
has been a dream for a thirst of fame and greed.

fortune veils their minds and eyes..
they walk silently.. carrying fortune, yet they do not brag..
for their pockets filled with coins rooted from avarice..
has dragged them by the winds to the withered solstice..

They held a Book, torned yet sacred as it is..
adorned by many, framed to make others hungry
poured by spits of hypocrisy, crowded by shelters of blasphemy
Oh what have they done!.. what have they done!..

Kneel on your knees! it is an order!
do not shed a tear, just dwell in the well of slumber..
never you attempt to speak, nor lay in adversary
for their eyes, curtained by oppression..
does not tolerate for a rightful conclusion..

pray for them... pray for them..
It is how you become a prey for them..
let them sing in praise, let them praise their vices..
for malice they embraced, soon they will cry without a face..

It is how they pacify, yet also gratify
the Inverted ascent they always try..
what is willed by them, was willed by the heavens..
but not to fret.. they do have false feathers..

gain and always gain they do prefer..
riches, power, fame... they race for it with care..
for their souls, guided by the gusts of unsure seclusion..
has been an answer on this wordless illumination.

You.. obliged to tell what your eyes can see..
must face what your mind has told you since..
for you cannot speak in judgement and pure hesitation..
this lamented truths.. cries for a sudden redemption.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Does it really consumes the risk in favor of a glimpse?
and enough to pay and sustain my favor on his?
was looking back insulted your view of the future..
or was it your mind seizing you not to look at the picture?

every existed days passed by on your consolidation
every instance spent, with your temples unfolded and without hesitation.
did someone abandoned your mind's precious attention..
to make you look at others with eyes of pure frustration?

your eyes, round it is but lacks it's refraction..
your temples.. such proud ones adore are with no consideration.
your mouth that hides sores from within, your lips.. stoned and dim..
and your neck.. though not inverted, was as stiff as cliff..

Love as it is.. has brought you to fame and recognition..
Pride as it's treasonist puts you on this tea-colored delusion..
looking at us with your eyes of oppression and pressure,
incinerating us with your hands burning on turbid pleasure.

even sharp steeped cliffs heed no troubles within you.
just by relying on your proud ashen self consumes you..
nothing.. in this world can make you kneel with such purity,
In reasons that your mind was suffering on it's sullen tranquility.

thus finding cure on this rampant illness needs time and realization
and leaning on others is a part of the solution..
but the thawing solvent is within you and solely on the beholder..
to escape this madness, put it to slumber,
and entangle it..
with chains of kindness...

Friday, October 22, 2010


Distress, hunches on my back in every day that crosses
wandering, with eyes on nystagmus in this forest
broken, striving in this confusion..
with no one to talk to, no one to hold on..
given the loads just to give it back..
granted the wisdom to pass it in simple, humble acts..

look at the eyes of time, for it does not tolerate delay
listen to it's intentions, it's sullen plans..
and wait for it to speak and spread its side:

he last left you here, with all in your pack..
with all your thinking to save you..
and with all your faith to train you..

never let your exhaustion bring you at the ground..
never become what they have pursued..
neither tell them of any vices and sights..

walk and witness what has been neglected..
talk on things that has never clasped on books..
and listen to what has never spoken on tongues..

stare at the heart of God with all your understanding..
by your faith, can listen in his good and eternal intentions..
you may find tranquility and silence from strife..
and can compete with your minds stubborness with might..

For everything happens yet with reasons,
promises, expectations.. only faith can make them real..
forget what has happened and pray.. with eyes closed and full intention..
unite with the unexplainable yet true..
wake up in this dream... for He can make it real..
climb unto Him.. in his circles of malignant sanity..
believe in Him for He is Real, Eternal, and Forgiving....
For He will never let you walk alone again..
in this painful, yet confusing medium..

With all that has witnessed and known shall come to realization...
In all that was studied and observed in light years to fulfill..
shall be illuminated in a simple sway...
just believe and be firm.. be saved from Limbo
read the world, digest it with all its nourishment..
and never forget to look up.. on HIM
whose into those white, graceful circles..

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lora Servitutis (Rein of Servitude)

Did your mind had stepped on the cobblestones of fraud?
hard as it is. yet fragile when tempered and deformed.
Did your hands were laid upon the reins of betrayal?
and pressed it on the feet and heads of those in trial?

We, as nature renders as its most coherent forms
They, as called upon was inferior to our thoughts.
some may think rather of slavery nor tyranny..
but none of this has been a call for this agony.

betrayal and its hierarchy of immense jealousy,
Is winding us in its gale with pure harmony..
Our nerves, numbed by pride and our eyes clouded and blind
Is leading us to its well of sullen divide.

What is willed must bow to what is higher willed..
such belief strains the eyes of those in grief
drowned in pain, eyebrows in vain
while their temples are hacked and knitted with reins

such agony and oppression cries for a fair justice
but their voices, like fire cannot touch the heaven's cornice.
what was death has been doing lately this evening?
for them to be abandoned at the time of their kneeling..
They have wished for it, begged for it..
but death, like a demented deaf drowns on the ceiling.

such tainted truths kept hidden at the eyes of the blindfolded..
for knowing it is like ignorance slaps the face of the anointed..
genocidal, macabre, as dense words can defy..
this truth in accordance by the chains to identify..

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Loco Alto (Deep Place)

No one can withstand nor comprehend
those souls I saw, how their sufferings flow
they are weeping.. with blood in their eyes
and screaming loud but incoherent cries..

Light has left them hopeless
neglected, buffetted on this air that is lifeless
naked with nerves at large and young age..
for pain just to be felt truly at it's greatest..

devouring one's flesh may be a resort
but doing so may condemn you at court
it is there you'll be flailed and hacked in countless times
by a tempered blade. oh! you'll cry for a timeless crime

There they lie at the chilling river of styx with lament
mourning on this sunless skies. thus paying repent
their souls on a bed of thunder and brawl
gripping each other, as they attempted to crawl..

Hope is not a whispered word here but a tear
a tear that dries and eventually disappear
Faith, like a drowned carcass on poisoned water,
excommunicated! perished! like a burned contender!

At this instance, one may be troubled by his trembling mind..
a question of how injustice here has bind?
as Virgil said "Here lies the souls who lived without praise and disgrace,
they now commingle; this sorry souls and coward angels at gaze."

Now behold! He The Father of lies and fraud
paralyzed, burning with anger and wrath abode
weeping and drinking his own wine of deceit and greed,
while screaming on voices of torture at it's seat!

He who is to be punished most,
has truly left Him a greatly cost..
for He has tempted and corrupted the sons of Him..
by the worldly promises of He who is exalted at firm..

such promises still veils upon this region..
and favors Malacoda to struck at poise without permission.
knowing this puts you such on a mission..
that is to fulfill your maker's vision.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Sol Tace

I as a shade was in the forest
walking, looking.. creeping to it's nest
staring at various directions in His
probably comforting my mind in mist..

there I saw many sightings and scenes..
reflecting life and death it seems..
the darkness it comforts enveloped my faith..
and now im drowning and drained in pale..

my mind was impaled by irrevocable fear and dread..
whispered weeping, deafening cries have heared
suffering here seems it's life and ways
like dead air floating here and sways

visitors approached me at night,
choking me, suffocates all my might..
they seize, froze my feet and hands..
stiffing them like tainted glass..

It seems that I have been on this starless night.
to think of this as my dreams unwind..
confronted by Minos I have been..
twisted its tail with keen..
judging, his eyes so stiff and sullen
at instance had dragged me at pitch and fallen..

it's trees were entangling screams and tears..
looking at them burdens my fears..
by lack of the sun they live and stirr
in the minds of people that has no ear..

this prison overflows with fear
forget your hope, and virtues will tear..
there is no way out here nor there..
even thee does not seem to care.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Love.. by your Existence

As I revolve around this medium..
on this blissful, solitary delirium..
there I saw you at my least of wishes..
and there we've speak like different pieces..

you have taken something till now I do not recognize..
like soil that was toiled at early morning rays..
that my heart was stoned, broken in painless ways..
it was awakened with you... as it's potent catalyst
had turned my mind in a steaming hiss..

when I think about the future..
what it has, what it would tell..
there was the time.. that you are in my mind..
a portrait that was entangled through my veins..
the memory of you that hungers and drains..

How I miss you that much..
like a boulder that I carry in vain..
you have made felt of me the gift of our existence..
and make me you.. as the dearest from my wishes..

I Love You.. In ways that makes us learn
I Love You.. In ways a man always yearns..
I Love You.. By the rivers of my chambered soul..
In my Heart, In my Mind...
and In my words..
that a human in his understanding can compete..

You are my rhum.. in my days of cold, solitary darkness..
lining heat in my soul, setting me in slumber..
forgetting everything that pains me, and comfort me..
In the deepest of my sanity..

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stand for It

At each days that passes us..
be it a smile or a frown from us.
waking up while owls are at..
just to share efforts for the sum..

May you have compliments nor blame..
but ignore it. it's just the same..
put everything you do at heart..
it is the way you will not be apart..

Do what you are tasked to do..
fill it with patience, passion and grace..
Lend ears to the troubled
and speak for the trembled..

Prepare for the conflict of mind and body
ask for wisdom.. such precious understanding..
hands and feet may shake nor enfeeble your will
but never let your mind exhaust you..

receive reprimands, complaints and gratitude..
take it with understanding, faith and professionalism.
for every work done is done but about to start..
achievements bloom in every part of the task..

think and stand within others presence..
share from them but never lend a trust,
because work is as risky as a crime.. and fragile as a glass

Do what you think was right and at faith
give for what you think would suffice..
for it is not only personal glory nor fame..
it is for Him..
that rests us with ease..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mind Prison

Questions still arise at both sides..
minds are troubled, kept imprisoned to a trance..
trapped, unheard and pressured.

restrain me as I get violent,
listen to what everyone had regret..

blame me as I get hostile..
speak to me words that are calming but painful in nature..

pass your burdens to me, for I am innocent..
a victim, framed up on this immaterial illusion..

laugh at me, for I am not understood,
even though it is you who should lower defenses..

hurt me as I get in frenzy,
push me through walls, bars and floor..
for I am already drooling, suffering at this pool of insanity..

slap me as I get blasphemous..
for I spoke of insults and stenchful words..
worms may spread to my mouth,
for you just to know that I am still the victim..

look at me with disgrace, pride and annoyance,
for you do not know how to comprehend and get to my shoes..

make fun of me..
for it is you who is making fun of yourself..

do you find me uneasy to understand?
get on with it... just find a way..

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hand it to me

Is looking forward seems to small?
when you are to fulfill your tasks and crawl.

Is striving to live be something to die for?
If it pains us everytime we out to fall..

Tell me on how to be a good man..
and I would tell you how to be better..

Ask me on how to be responsible..
and I would reply to you in favor.

Lean to me when things are at fret..
and I will shudder you at every breath..

Trust me everything, anything..
and I would bring you joy and all things it may..

Call unto me and cry on my shoulders..
for I can put your troubles into slumber..

Hand me your faith and fidelity,
and I would grant you serenity..

Believe me for I do really exist..
give me what I deserve and I will insist..

wear out your problems and sorrows..
for I can comfort you deepest into your morrow..

I'm really here.. to help, to hear
Just trust me and never fear..

Im eternal, clairvoyant it seems..
just open your eyes, and feel me..
not just in dreams,
but in actual scenes..

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Love as it is

Love is like a flower..
that blooms on the heart of a lover.

Love is like a cube..
has sides which is crude as it is.

Love is like a needle..
it knits and fixes the riddle.

Love is dependent..
strives on another to become prudent..

Love was sad as a stream..
flowing endlessly, gleaming with silence..

Love was as happy as a tree..
sways on every move and is free..

Love cannot be touched by anger..
It is by mind that it is tempered..

Love is not envious..
It just looks someone that is always nervous..

Love is not compassed to wither..
It is meant to live and to prosper..

Love is not drenched in demise..
it promises life and listens when someone cries..

Love is when you misses the other..
It seems that you cannot live without the other..

Love is when you are being vigilant..
always looking forward and not arrogant..

Love is something you cant forget..
It is aching, throbbing when your'e at fret..

Love is all that seems it is..
you cannot ask for more, just as it is...

Friday, August 6, 2010

I've never felt this strange before..

it's because this feeling's unsure..

it had taken me a time and a life

to woke up with eyes so wide.

On each day that passes by,

my heart speaks like a butterfly..

going in, going there..

so nervous like an open flare..

I'm torned, shattered into pieces..

broken apart, corrupted heart..

I cannot think.. comprehend that much.

like a leper that asks too much..

Will time be considered as a cure?

when you're already feeling obscure?

It really can rejuvenate a life..

but cannot even redeem a blight.

Will love frees all things?

when on it's back are hounding slaves..

begging for every breath of each..

to suffice a thirsty speech..

When would mortis arrive?

to send them up to hide..

they're frightened, terrified..

kneeling like theres no such pride..

When blood turns into life..

where would you've been that night?

cannot even pay a glimpse of smile..

to those that helped you to rhyme..

and there you are confined..

united by gravel and sand..

helped by a shovel, rope and a priest..

to guide you at your journey at pitch.

Im afraid you must go there..

because you really are for them..

for the time you have wasted, neglected and laughed at..

comes with a paycheck of flame and hemlock.

you have been teared before you are saved..

and you are here to do it..

all over again..

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Self-Made God

Open your eyes so that you may see

the reality that is so close at your feet

their cults that starve for influence

and their souls.. fallen to deceive.

Hear them, for they spoke of truth and lies

for their tongues are fogs that smother unto our eyes,

for their words are like kneeling frogs; waiting for their prey

and their speeches like floods of water and gale.

smell them, as their stenchful breath clouded your mind

like rotten corpses; thrown into the marsh at night.

their scent are familiar, very familiar

that your mind vomited before you do.

touch them and they shall reach

begging for everything that they preach

for at first you'll be nursed..

but later you'll spit with curse

tell them a story that lifts your soul,

they would listen, like a child holding a plow..

but the story would not step at it's end..

for they would left; with hypocrisy and annoyance they felt..

beware of them, avoid them at any means

for they are the God's of themselves

devouring anything that they reach

with frenzy and greed at it's peak.

only chaos; havoc they could only bring

so, open your eyes and sharpen your senses..

that you may not be included..

at their list of sullen catalyst..

Clairvoyant Opus

I have cried for so many beautiful and arrogant times..

my heart speaks for lamented and drowned awakenings.

and my mind has been imprisoned to a trance,

a very deceitful trance..

As the one plays the flute of sorrow..

I was the very own patron of him..

I've thought what was good for my soul was love...

but it was an absurd.. yet theoretical truth..

One who was there plays his harp of solace...

I was on my blindfolded nights in that instance

there, there was the sound..

the eerie tremolo that encourages metanoia.

And hers, the voice of light..

Illuminating, blinding like the onset of heavens..

but what was it's importance?

If I've been on a sullen path?

If I've been deaf to voices afar?

and been seized with debilitating seizures of reality..

I have dreamed of utopia..

for it is only a dream, a fiction..

like a stone thrown into stillwater,

like a tender spot on a steel..

I've given all my miseries, smiles and clairvoyance..

to an old book of unstable chances..

Sunday, June 20, 2010


How can I forget you?

forget the kiss that my skin recognizes just by the simple tap of your lips,

forget the smile that stirrs my heart everytime my eyes define the familiar glimpse of you,

forget the embrace that brought me the thought of a home and a formidable shelter for the rain.

can I betray you?

betray what my heart speaks in chorus that I really love and care for you,

betray what my mind sees as the most important catalyst of my very own creation,

betray what my spirit has commenced me since the day I came as a witness to this world.

and how can I neglect you?

neglect the thought that brought me euphoria everytime I think about of you,

neglect the simple gestures that makes me smile everytime you look and tease me,

neglect the caring acts and nursing words to comfort the deepest part of my soul.

my days have been resting on immense solitude since you've not yet taken a role in my life.

so strong it is that my heart shouts for love, and simple embracing actions.

since that very day you've came.. the simplest sparks at your eyes, that strange look at your face... had made me realize that I am in love..

and so I say this to you....

I care for you...

like the sun makes way for the moon and the stars...

like a mother soothes the troubled heart of her child..

like a lover that expects nothing in return and being happy by loving the one he cherishes most..

and most of all,

I love you not in the way that impress me at sight...

but in a way that is unfamiliar to a traveller...

In a way that would make you think, but not find an answer..

In a way... that is very special...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Deciphering Life

Life is what defines everything around us

It is what makes us breathe and walk in endless cycles

It's value may seem much more as compared to diamonds

may seem worth cherishing than photographs and embracing words

Life is the one that pushes us to strive for so many things

It is the one that gives us a pen, a paper, and a thought

It is something worth loving and worth valuing with contentment.

It is a Mystery, a ruined and unsolved code

It is like thinking of how God exist

It gives us smiles and laughter,

a deep, wide inhalation of realities and

tears, melancholia and nostalgia

And most of all, it gives us the opportunity to

give love, feel loved and be loved.

Life can be seen in an urn filled with water,

or simply in a small flower pot.

even it becomes confined, it still blooms like a flower in a gravel and seeps below like water in the desert.

It is constant but changing

mortal but immortal

limited but limitless

And most of all,

it remains as a question.

Recognizing Stars

Stars, beautiful minute beings resting on a dim medium

more adored when shining in redundance and creating realizations and mystery

favored by humans and all creatures around,

asked by philosophers, studied by astronomers

they're glamoured, heeded and respected by nature

the days would hide them but the nights adores and brags them

it's like a woman dazzled with fame and recognition,

like a man that owns power and soil, like a priest that preaches

and like a God that hears and answers prayers silently.

Stars are part of this mysterious nature,

they take parts on the creation and foresetting guidance

they are the shouting witnesses of the great but tainted past.

Oh how I wish I could reach them as simple as I look at them in a mirage,

In innocent and impossible illusions

I wish they could speak with voices, to lead advices for those living with opened eyes but lightless path.

Stars are magic, and so the cosmos and the universe alike

they are too.. are part of this malignant and silent nature.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


How many times do I have to tell you?

that it is such a wonderful gift to live?

that you feel the roots of life at your feet

and you can taste the sweet and unforgettable feeling at love?

It is calming to think of the past

to be with and become happy with 'the mirrors of the Mind'

even threats are at bound,

and a wide facade of sufferings before our eyes
some may think of confusion and distortion

But some can just open their eyes and walk through their fate

our life is made different by a single and unsound waves of thy hands

that is why we must be open at embracing unfamiliar paths.

For it is lack of wisdom that leads to the wrong and unrightful path

but considerable knowledge is often helpful

it differs, it depends.

still at the ways and vision of the sole patient author

how wonderful it is to live

to be at a table of glistening stars at your side?

and you must not forget to be grateful

at the writer that puts you here and made you.